What would it look like to discover happiness not as individuals but as a community? Before Advent we spent a few weeks unpacking Jesus’ unconventional and counter-cultural proposal of finding happiness through the beatitudes. Until Lent, we will continue in Jesus’ teaching as he develops what it might look like for for us to pursue happiness together as a community. […]
Stories tagged:

Open Systems – Part III
[The following is part of a series summarizing our Open Systems Meetings that took place last month. The goal of these meetings was to let the Vox community provide feedback and shape the direction of our community. You can also read Part I and Part II of the summary.] Membership All good things come in threes. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, […]
Sermon Series: Pursuit of Happiness
What is the American pursuit of happiness? A young man, named Kid Cudi, claims it involves not caring, driving drunk and doing his thing rolling around the Midwest. What did Jesus say the pursuit of happiness involved? Join us as we have a conversation through possibly the most beautiful yet revolutionarily difficult teachings of Jesus. Oct 3 – Poverty Oct 10 […]