On this Good Shepherd Sunday, Christopher Mack reflects on who might be good shepherds in our lives and how we might be the same for others [Acts 9:36-42]. Reflection Does Jesus’ self-giving life as a good shepherd offer you hope, healing, rest, or reconciliation you need right now? Does someone in your life remind you of Tabitha? Is there an […]
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Chris Morton reflects on how we can be intentional with our memories and how remembering God’s provision is important for our growth [Deuteronomy 6:1-9]. Reflection What legacy will you chose to remember? What truths do you need reminders of? What story do you want to tell? Spiritual Practice Think of something that you can remember this week of how God […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 11.06.11
Liturgy O Holy God of Israel, you faithfully keep the promises you made to our ancestors and lead your people into the future, providing hospitality on the way. Help us who inherit the pilgrim life to journey faithfully at your command, that we may be a community of disciples called to be sojourners in your service, in our city and […]