Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection, & Benediction 2024.05.19

Liturgy Loving God, we are here to meet withyou and we are here to meet each other.You have made us for connection, not forself-control, self-determination, or self-fulfillment.Thank you, God, for time to be together.We come in on our own or with our closestones, and we enter in to something larger.Bind us to each other. Not just the one beside us,but […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.04.28

Liturgy We greet you, God, with the dust of this world clinging to our feet.We have walked in hard places and collected the grime of polluted paths.The foul smell of injustice is all around us and sometimes even wafting up fromour toes.But you have provided a pool of water, a place to wade into, fresh and clear.God, wash us clean.Give […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.03.10

Liturgy As the day approaches its end,so also our weary souls wane.Lord, breath the warmth of your presenceas we wander into the haze of night.In our weakness, it is so easyto let our fear and fatigue persuade usto suspect and harm one another.Lord, whisper your wisdom in our earthat we would hear it more clearlythan the murmurs all around us.The […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.01.14

Liturgy We come from places of straight lines,Grids that create small boxes for us to live in.Some of us have tried to follow all the rulesAnd some of us have tried to break every last one.Lord, free us to live the life you have given us.May we inhabit all the space you provide.We have been taught to color inside the […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.01.07

Liturgy God of dawn and dusk,You gather us here to witness your Light.A light that pierces through the thickest fog; a beacon for all to find warmth and comfort.God of morning and evening,awaken us from our slumber.Open our eyes to the boundless compassion that draws all things to Yourself.Like a mother beckons her children,You draw us into your continuous embrace. […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2023.12.31

Liturgy As the Earth nears the end of another cycle around the sun,We feel the heartbeat rhythm of a new yet familiar songrising with the sun and crooning with the moonwe join in melody with the rest of creation:Lord, you dwell with the birds of the air and the flowers of the field.Dwell with us too, as you continue to […]