We will not be holding additional liturgy services on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. We hope you enjoy your time with loved ones, and we will see you back at Vox on December 29th! [Photo by Sabine @ Flickr]
Stories tagged:
christmas eve

Christmas Eve Liturgy [Dec 24]
Join us and our friends at Austin Mustard Seed for a combined Christmas Eve Service, 10:30am, at Rosedale Baptist Church (4400 Maybelle Ave. Austin, TX 78756). Liturgy will be a shortened service where children will be invited to participate! Also, if you would like to help out with clean-up at the end of liturgy please let us know. We’ll see everyone back at Space12 on […]
Christmas Eve
We will not have services for Christmas Eve or Day at Vox. Our friends at Austin Mustard Seed have invited everyone to join them at Seminary of the Southwest for a Christmas Eve Service. You can find details and rsvp on the facebook event page. Details on Facebook
Christmas Eve Liturgy
If you’re in town, please join us for our Christmas liturgy potluck at Space12 at 6:30pm with Mosaic. Worship, Eucharist, Community and Good Eats. Good times! Make sure you bring a dish! Please sign up on the event page. We will not be having our regular Sunday Liturgy on Christmas day. [Photo by Damien Rayuela @ Flickr]