We are happy to announce that after a few years of looking for a space to call our own we now have a new home! Our new building is located at 3106 East 14 1/2 St, just blocks away from our former location in East Austin. Our first liturgy in the our new home will be Sunday, January 6th at […]
Stories tagged:

Rootedness: Forming Roots
Gideon Tsang continues our vision series on Rootedness by considering why we should be rooted with Christ and each other [John 15:4-8]. Reflection How is Christ inviting the disappointment of our exterior lives to deepen into our interior lives? What does it look like to root together with the Vox community this season? Resources Podcast: On Being (Kevin Kelly) MWG: […]
New Building Work Days
We’ve started renovations at the new church building! We’ll be having work days every Saturday from 10am-3pm. Folks can volunteer for the whole day or just the morning or afternoon shift. If you’re interested in helping out, please signup here or email building@voxveniae.com. [Photo by Andrew Hollingsworth @ Flickr]