Liturgy Loving God, as we come into this spaceWe settle and check in with ourselvesAnd with You. We notice we are hungryPartly in our bellies, but also in our heartsWe all have some empty places waiting to be filled.May you be the One who fills us, God. We notice we feel anxiousKnowing that life is uncertain and unpredictableWe all want […]
Stories tagged:
Beloved Community

Naming Empire’s Enticements
What does it say about our spiritual imaginations that Lenten fasts often center on our relationship to food, drink, or media, but less often on our relationship to power? As we begin Lent, Christopher Mack examines the testing of Jesus in the wilderness through the lens of how we steward and are enticed by power. [Matthew 4:1-11] Reflection Where do […]