Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.04.28

Liturgy We greet you, God, with the dust of this world clinging to our feet.We have walked in hard places and collected the grime of polluted paths.The foul smell of injustice is all around us and sometimes even wafting up fromour toes.But you have provided a pool of water, a place to wade into, fresh and clear.God, wash us clean.Give […]

Washed Clean

When you think of baptism, what comes to mind? On this fifth Sunday of Easter, Kimberly Culbertson explores the inner commitment, public declaration, and the mystery of baptism in Christian spirituality . [Acts 8:26-38] Reflection  Are there areas in your life where you need to practice agency, repentance, or return? How does the embodied experience of baptism fit into your […]

Baptism [May 5]

As our journeys of faith continue and unfold through the lives we live, there comes a time in the Christian tradition where we get the opportunity to lay down a mile marker signifying our faith in God and our desire to publicly convey our desire to live a Christ following life. In the Greek system, it is called Initiation, and in […]


Gideon Tsang reflects on the meaning of baptism in our lives as we hear the stories of David Burrows, Meredith McNamee, and Errol Neider [Romans 6:1-11]. Reflection In what ways are you growing into your baptism this season? How are you still being transformed by your baptism? Resources Book: The Invisible Church (J. Pittman McGehee)

Baptism [April 8]

As our journeys of faith continue and unfold through the lives we live, there comes a time in the Christian tradition where we get the opportunity to lay down a mile marker signifying our faith in God and our desire to publicly convey our desire to live a Christ following life. In the Greek system, it is called Initiation, and in […]

Baptism 2016

This past Sunday, we celebrated the baptism of 2 people from the Vox community as they publicly marked their journey of faith and their desire to live a Christ-following life. You can read more about their stories below: Colin Simmer Greg Mullen [Photo by brandonfwilson @ Flickr] [Baptism photo by Elaine Roome]

Baptism Profile: Greg Mullen

Name: Greg Mullen Hometown: Harare, Zimbabwe Vocation: Musician Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip 1. Tell us how your story started. I was born and raised in Zimbabwe and moved to Massachusetts when I was 15. I was brought up in a culture informed by post-colonial British sensibilities and attended a Christian school called St. John’s where we sang hymns […]