Liturgy Ever-present God,you meet us in the borderlands,in places neither here nor there, at times when we are well out of our comfort zone; even if we don’t know where we’re going,when we feel most lost, you are there: thank you, God. We thank you for all we can learn fromour siblings who live on theedge, in the borderlands: about […]
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Leaving Home
What helps us “leave home” in trust? On this second Sunday of Lent, Gena St. David sifts through our unsettling experiences of leaving the familiar in parallel with Abraham’s journey into the unknown. [Genesis 12:1-4] Reflection How are you “leaving home” (identity, loyalty, authority) in this season? What’s helping you “leave home” in trust? Who are you “leaving home” with?
True Authority
Kelly Cutbirth reflects on how Jesus modeled another way of authority and how we’re invited to embody this truer way of authority as we lead and follow others [Mark 1:21-28]. Reflection What ideas about authority am I being invited to let go of?How can I use my authority to care for and restore freedom to others? Practice Authority grounded in […]