Stories tagged:

RSVPing to the Astounding Vocation of Our Humanity

How can we pay attention to the conversation of Majesty and Mystery in our own humble lives?On the fifth Sunday after Epiphany, Christopher Mack connects our experience of Divine Majesty to our need to receive and give mercy in a way authentic to our calling. [Isaiah 6:1-8] What is your soul longing for today? How can we validate the deeper […]

Joyfully Undone

Is there a part of your life that feels exiled or stuck in a rut? On this third week of Advent, Christopher Mack hears in the message of John the Baptizer, an invitation for our lives to be joyfully undone in the wilderness of waiting. [Luke 3:7-17] Reflection When have you experienced a disruption that led to transformation? How can […]