Author Archives: weylin

Community Prayers 2021.08.29

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … the life of my sweet cousin Carrie (Gina) … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … friends, family, and others in Louisiana as the hurricane approaches (Sarah) my family as we grieve her passing, especially my Aunt Flash and my cousin Susie (Gina) those who are suffering from war […]

Bake Sale for Afghan Aid [Sep 18]

Vox bakers will be hosting a bake sale on September 18 (Sat) from 9am-12pm at Vesper to raise funds for Afghan aid. All proceeds will be donated to Refugee Services of Texas, as well as an organization supporting individuals in Afghanistan. To continue in our efforts to keep the community safe, masks will be required at the bake sale. There […]

The Bread Come Down from Heaven

James Alison reflects on what Jesus is inviting us to when he asks us to eat the bread and drink of the life that he offers us [John 6:51-69]. Reflection What is the difference between the Manna in the desert, and what Jesus offers in the Eucharist? Do Jesus’ words scandalize you? How do you understand “coming to be persuaded” […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.08.22

Liturgy Beloved family of God: our lives are carriedlike leaves on the current of our weeks.We arrive in this place burdened by so muchthat saturates us to the verge of sinking. Surround us, God of compassion.Reach into the waves, Son of Man,Fill us, Spirit of the Living God,Give us the patience to await calm. Beloved family of God: let us […]

Community Prayers 2021.08.22

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … James’ words for our Vox community (Gena) … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … our children as they transition back to school this week and that God will hold them in this challenging time (Caroline) the people of Haiti and the people of Afghanistan (Sarah) all the exhausted […]

Vox Veniae Pastor of Teaching Position

We are looking for a Pastor of Teaching to join our Pastoral Team in a full-time position on staff with Vox. This pastor will provide teaching through homilies during Sunday liturgy that align with Vox’s mission, vision and values as well as coordinate and develop diverse voices to participate in our homilies. As a part of our Pastoral Team, this […]

Solomon and the Quest for Wisdom

Naomi Jackson reflects on the life of Solomon and why God gave him what he asked for and what he didn’t ask for and how that impacts our understanding of wisdom [1 Kings 3:6-14]. Reflection What do we learn about the character of God from their response to Solomon? How does wisdom frame the relationship between humans and God? How […]