Author Archives: weylin

[Vox News] Christmas Trivia Edition

During this season of Christmas, there are traditions galore. But what’s real and true, what what’s false and folklore? Whether you’re unwrapping gifts or just sitting at home, we give you this trivia in the form of a poem. So from us here at Vox we give you some readings, may you learn something new and get fill with warm […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 12.20.09

Liturgy In this Advent season, we give you thanks, our Father in heaven, and we praise you through our Lord Jesus Christ. You promised him as our Savior to a humanity gone astray. His truth is a light for those who seek, his power gives strength to the weak, his holiness brings forgiveness to sinners. For he is the Savior […]

[Vox News] National Re-gifting Day Edition

On this national re-gifting day, we celebrate the cheap, the resourceful, and the shameless. Whether you’re a closet regifter or a casualty of someone else’s reckless regifting rampage, there is a home for that useless item in your closet or attic. Although considered socially irresponsible, regifting has slowly begun its upward crawl from faux pas to fashionable in our society. […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 12.13.09

Liturgy You are our eternal salvation, The unfailing light of the world. Light everlasting, You are truly our redemption. Grieving that the human race was perishing through the tempter’s power, without leaving the heights You came to the depths in your loving kindness. Readily taking our humanity by Your gracious will, You saved all earthly creatures, long since lost, Restoring […]

[Vox News] Bingo’s Birthday Month Edition

Whether you’re at birthday parties, church parlors, gambling halls or backyard bbq’s, bingo can be your go-to game of choice. I mean, after once the pinata are busted, candles are extinguished, and your welcome in front of the one armed bandit has drawn its final breath, a friendly game of bingo is the greatest ways to round out a delightful […]

Generosity Report November 2009

We’re extremely grateful for the generous community that we have. Your generosity allows us to be generous to the city of Austin and the world around us. For the details of November’s giving, you can download the November 2009 Report. If you have any questions, please contact our treasurer. Feel free to check out our online giving options. You can […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 12.06.09

Liturgy Emmanuel, God with us, Savior to captives and prisoners everywhere, at the celebration of your birth be with each lonely soul exiled behind bars. Emmanuel, God with us, Savior to leaders and rulers everywhere, at the celebration of your birth protect those with power from temptations of tyranny and exploitation. Emmanuel, God with us, Savior to families and friends […]