This spring, our neighborhood groups will be meeting by geography. We’re having our kickoff this Sunday right after liturgy at Space12. It’s a chance to meet your new groups and find out what we’ll be doing this spring. We’ll also have HUGE pizza from Arpeggio’s. Everyone’s invited, so stick around on Sunday! Just bring $5 for 2 gigantic slices. Here […]
Author Archives: weylin
When in Rome
Sept 20, 2009 to Feb 28, 2010 As the saying goes, When in Rome, do as the Romans do. How did the Romans live? How did the church connect to its surroundings? Why did Paul address specific issues that he did? As this letter changed Rome and greats such as Augustine and Luther, may it change us and our city. […]
Generosity Report December 2009
We’re extremely grateful for the generous community that we have. Your generosity allows us to be generous to the city of Austin and the world around us. For the details of December’s giving, you can download the December 2009 Report. If you have any questions, please contact our treasurer. Feel free to check out our online giving options. You can […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 01.10.10
Liturgy O God of new beginnings and wonderful surprises, thank you for the gift of a new year. May it be a time of grace for me, a time to grow in faith and love, a time to renew my commitment to following your Son, Jesus. May it be a year of blessing for me, a time to cherish my […]
[Vox News] National Hot Tea Month Edition
As we find ourselves in the middle of this national cold front otherwise known as Winter, we need something to keep our bodies warm. Of course, there are many different options ranging from high tech (read Central Heating) to practical (read Jacket), all the way to the absolutely absurd (read Snuggie). But all of these things keep you warm from […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 01.03.10
Liturgy When the song of the angels is stilled When the star in the sky is gone When the kings and princes are home When the shepherds are back with their flocks The work of Christmas begins: To find the lost To heal the broken To feed the hungry To release the prisoner To rebuild the nations To bring peace […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 12.27.09
Liturgy In his days justice and peace will flourish till the moon fails. In his days justice shall flourish and the voice of those who are oppressed will be heard. The poor will receive enough on which to live and the rich will share gladly the abundance they have received at the hand of God. O come, O come, Emmanuel. […]