Author Archives: caroline

What is our discernment rooted in?

How has pride in our knowledge limited our ability to love? On the fourth Sunday after Epiphany, Weylin Lee invites us into a practice of discernment rooted in mutuality that respects difference, embodied contemplation, and a freedom that protects the vulnerable. [1 Corinthians 8:1-6] Where does knowledge limit and hinder our posture and practice of love and mutuality? What is […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.01.21

Liturgy God of radical love, shine a light to illuminatethe parts of us that hold hidden apathy and retribution.Fill our spirits with the same sacrificial lovethat overflows from yours, and heal us of our desireto pay back the harms committed against us.In place of malice, may we find empathy.In place of indifference, may we find a collectivecare that moves mountains.Though […]

The Gospel Is A Message Best Served Whole

How might we creatively embody good news toward our enemies? On this third Sunday after Epiphany, Christopher Mack glimpses Divine Love enveloping our pain, extending toward our enemies, and shifting our perspective through the story of Jonah. [Jonah 3:1-5, 10] Is there somewhere pain has you locked in a cycle that isn’t working?  Where might God’s Love invite you to […]

Zamyn Parent Meet-up [Jan 28]

To allow us to connect with each other and check-in on how Zamyn is going, our Pastor of Children and Families (Vanessa) will host a Zamyn parent meet-up and lunch following liturgy on Sunday January 28th. While this lunch will center on parent connection, children and youth are also welcome to attend. When: Immediately following liturgy Jan 28Where: Sa-Tén @ […]

Ash Wednesday [Feb 14]

Ash Wednesday will be on February 14 this year, and we will have several different opportunities to explore its meaning throughout that day. We will be offering both an in-person and streamed 12pm liturgy with childcare available, as well as both a virtual and in-person self-guided meditation. You are welcome to use any and all resources that feel meaningful. We […]

Midweek Group Connection Night [Jan 31]

Midweek groups provide an opportunity for the Vox community to live the church throughout the week and to facilitate our spiritual formation. Each of these groups usually range from 6-10 people and meet on various nights of the week throughout the city. Groups engage various expressions of Scripture and prayer and have access to a wide range of discussion guides […]

Midweek Group Spring Book Club [Feb-May]

Our Midweek Groups will be going through a spring book club around This Here Flesh (by Cole Arthur Riley).  Cole Arthur Riley is the creator of Black Liturgies and in this book, she reflects on her own childhood and coming to self to explore important questions of life and faith and how our stories and bodies play a central role. These groups will be […]