Author Archives: caroline

Preparing for Peace

How are we preparing to embody the peace of Christ and live as peacemakers? On the second Sunday of Advent, Weylin Lee connects peacemaking to the practices of rehumanizing others, Being present to decentered places, and adopting a posture of consent. [Mark 1:1-8] Reflection How is love helping me hold on? Which parts of life feel like caterpillar soup? How […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2023.12.10

Liturgy This morning, as we celebrate the second week of Advent,Let us first take a moment. To quiet our minds. Quiet our bodies. And quiet our spirits. And let us welcome Peace. Into every part of ourselves. Feel peace pour over us like warm sticky honey. Feel it cover our hands and our feet. Feel Peace envelop us. Shielding us. […]

5th Sunday Liturgy and Brunch [Dec 31]

In keeping with our current rhythm for 5th Sundays, Vox will host a liturgy and brunch gathering on Sunday, December 31st.  Liturgy that morning will be shortened to about 30 minutes, and it will be inclusive of our Greenhouse community. After service, we are all invited to share a meal together at tables set up in the sanctuary. Brunch will […]

Friday Before Christmas Liturgy [Dec 22]

Please join us as we celebrate Christmas as a community on Friday, December 22nd for an evening liturgy beginning at 6:30 pm. Because Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year, we will be gathering for liturgy on Friday evening to allow us to be with family and friends for the remainder of the Christmas weekend. There will be no […]


What helps you hold on? On the first Sunday of Advent, Gena St. David wades into the wilderness to grasp onto hope in these challenging times. [1 Corinthians 1:3-7] Reflection How is love helping me hold on? Which parts of life feel like caterpillar soup? How am I inviting my community to come near? Resources Instagram: @blackliturgies by Cole Arthur […]

iACT Red Bench Conversation [Dec 5]

Vox’s new local partner for the next couple of years is Interfaith Action of Central Texas. iACT cultivates peace and respect through interfaith dialogue, service, and celebration. One of the ways our community is invited to participate is through their Red Bench conversations, which are ongoing intentional dialogues designed to address one of the most pressing needs of our time: improving […]

Indivisible from Justice for All

How might we re-imagine God’s justice in a restorative framework rather than a primarily punitive one? On Christ the King Sunday, Christopher Mack reexamines scriptures on God’s justice and judgment through a lens of nonviolent theology and restorative justice. [Matthew 25:31-40] Reflection Where are you struggling to see God at work in our divisive, violent, over-consumptive, and destructive world? When […]