Author Archives: caroline

You Belong Here

Who do you know that gives really good hugs? On this Fifth Sunday, Vanessa Maleare leads the Wonder Moment for our New Year’s Eve liturgy and brunch. She invites children of all ages to remember and reside in our beloved belonging. [Galatians 4:4-7]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2023.12.31

Liturgy As the Earth nears the end of another cycle around the sun,We feel the heartbeat rhythm of a new yet familiar songrising with the sun and crooning with the moonwe join in melody with the rest of creation:Lord, you dwell with the birds of the air and the flowers of the field.Dwell with us too, as you continue to […]

Glimpses of Grace

What are the glimpses of hope, peace, joy, and love that we are invited to notice and hold with us? On the Friday before Christmas, Weylin Lee looks back on our year through both a global and local lens, before inviting us to practice sacred reading or lectio divina to glimpse grace in our own lives. [Luke 2:13-20] Resource Practice: […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2023.12.22

Liturgy On this Holiest of nights, Your stars are shining brightlyProclaiming the coming of Your SonChrist, the Savior, is born in a mangerHope has sprung for a weary worldand the brightness of morning is just around the cornerLet us join with the Angels and proclaim:O night divine, night when Christ was born.O Holy night.Send forth the good newsSpread the word […]

The Joy of Being Remembered

When have you been surprised by joy? On the third Sunday of Advent, Christopher Mack ponders how Mary and Elizabeth found deep joy in challenging circumstances through gratitude, kindness, peacemaking, and solidarity. [Luke 1:46-56] Reflection How might I cultivate joy by practicing gratitude this week? Is there a person or situation where I might choose kindness and generosity? Where can […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2023.12.17

Liturgy Heavenly Lord GodMaker of Heaven and Earth,The hills and rivers sing out your name.As we light the candle for Joy,We pray to find peace and a moment of warmth.Call us into your light,We are ready to be still and listen.Jesus Christ, our Holy Savior,Your love shines out to usLike the star that led the Magi to a miracleTeach us […]