What can one accomplish in 4 years? Here are a few ideas:
- Get a college degree
- Build the Golden Gate Bridge
- Paint the Mona Lisa
- Write, direct and edit the film ‘House of 1000 Corpses’
- Complete one term as the President of the United States
- Build Space12 from the ground up
Four years ago, Sam and with his magnificent family Carol, Jocie and a not-yet-conceived Lucas, made the trek down from Seattle to create what we now know as Space12. During his time on staff, Sam turned a place that was once a cancer to a community and transformed it into a place that has ushered in hope, change and second chances. From networking to hosting to spearheading school coalitions, Sam has done it all. With his leadership, vision, wisdom, compassion and mind bogglingly good looks, Sam has nearly single handedly changed the trajectory of this little section on the East Side of Austin and brought peace and empowerment into the lives those who have only known exclusion and turmoil.
As we bid farewell to an integral part of the Vox and Space12 team, we are both excited and saddened by theie departure. Whether you’ve played basketball with Sam, gone grocery shopping with Carol, played princess with Jocie or pointed at random things with Lucas, we have all been touched by their presence and sacrifice over these last 4 years. As Sam begins his journey to pursue a degree in Counseling, may our prayers and well wishes accompany him through the long nights of studying and watching anime. And as the family begins the challenge of moving back to Seattle and acclimating to their new surrounding, we know that it will be mere moments before they begin touching the lives of their neighbors in the same way they have touched all of our lives.
Thank you for these last for years, and may you bring joy, screwy louie and late night snacking to all you encounter.