It is truly right always and everywhere to praise you,
Lord God our Father, Lover of all.
Your wind swept the waters when our world began,
and you spoke the Word that was always your Word.
Through him all things came to be,
and his life lightened every life with the light,
darkness could not swallow.
And when sin’s deadly shadow fell everywhere,
your Word came in flesh to live with us.
The world he made did not know him;
his homeland refused him.
But he fulfilled your purpose, and loved us to the end.
On the cross he handed over the Spirit of life,
flowing forever like water from a living spring.
Now all who receive Christ are children of God:
born from above, they blow through the world with your Spirit,
bearing witness for the truth of your Word,
living forth your teachings to bless all
in the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Congregational Prayer
Come with what you have.
For you who grieve this day, know that you are invited
to bring the broken pieces of your heart.
Loved by one another, we discover God’s love for us all.
Come with what you have.
For you who come with gladness
know that your joy will bring peace.
Accepting God’s love, we are called to love one another.
Come with what you have.
For you who are weighed down
by too many ‘shoulds’ and ‘what-ifs’,
know that here you may lay down
the burdens of guilt and shame.
Loved by one another, we discover God’s grace for us.
Come with what you have.
For you who have the answers,
know that new questions await you.
Accepting God’s love, we are called to love one another.
Come with what you have.
For you who come seeking,
know your questions are safe in the presence of God.
Loved by one another, we discover God’s love for us.
Come and know that our Father hears us,
come and worship our Creator and Redeemer.
Is you life characterized by entitlement or gratitude?
What does it look like to choose peace this week?
Is there something you need to take ownership for?
Thank God for His love and taking our blame.
May the almighty and merciful Lord direct us on our journey;
May He make it prosper and maintain us in peace,
that we share his generous love and mercy to all along our path.
May the Holy Spirit intercede and accompany us on the way,
that we live our lives to serve as Christ served all
and breathe peace, joy and health into our homes and neighborhoods.
We go forth in the name of the Father, Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.
[Photo by The Renaissance @ Flickr]