Heavenly Father, you fill the world with beauty.
Open our eyes to behold
your gracious hand in all your works;
that, rejoicing in your whole creation, we may learn to serve
you with gladness; for the sake of him through whom all
things were made, your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Congregational Prayer
Creator God, forgive our moments of ingratitude,
the spiritual blindness that prevents us
from appreciating the wonder that is this world,
the endless cycle of nature,
of life and death and rebirth.
Forgive us for taking without giving,
reaping without sowing.
Open our eyes to see,
our lips to praise
and our hands to share.
May our feet tread lightly on the path we tread
and our footsteps be worthy of following
for they lead to you.
We pray in the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
What are the things that you connect with in your life?
How can your work allow you to be a co-creator with God?
In what ways can you give of yourself to the people around you?
Who are the people you need to engage that fill that complementary role?
Go in peace to be part of the new creation
of human community.
Go in love to take the hands of those
who long for peace and justice,
and let God, the Creator, speak through us in all formation.
Go, asking Jesus to bring all creation to his calling,
and lead our community to the places where he is needed.
Let the Holy Spirit be your constant companion
throughout the week to guide you and protect you.
In the name of the Father,
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we pray.
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.
[Photo by Ivan Sohrakoff @ Flickr]