April 11, 2010

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.11.10

Every creature, every plant
every rock and grain of sand
proclaims the glory of its Creator
worshiping through colour, shape,
scent and form.

Creator God, may we join
with the whole of your creation
in praising you, our Maker
through the melody
and service of our lives

in the name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit.

Congregational Prayer
God of all Creation,
we see how we use and destroy your earth,
Give us wisdom and courage
to face the challenge of Your call
Your call to listen to your voice in creation,
Your call to enable creation,
Your call to heal creation for future generations.

God of all Love,
We long for your love to set us free,
Give us freedom from greed, pride, apathy,
That we might live for You in all creation.

God of all Compassion,
We see the suffering of many
through drought, flood, hunger and poverty,
Fill us with compassion to fuel action for justice
not by mere words, but by our hands.

God of all Peace,
We know your world is broken,
through Earth’s degradation, war,
inequity and other violence.
Give us a burning desire for healing,
that we may be creatures of peace for all life.

God of the Cross and Resurrection,
Fill us with your Presence,
That lives through death,
That loves despite hatred,
That hopes in the face of hopelessness,
That longs for the redemption of all creation.

In the name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit.

Are you more of a consumer or creator?

What are you creating with the canvas of your life?

How are you participating in creating polycultural communities?

How can you discover the image if God in others and yourself?

Trust that this is true: God knows what you are capable of,
And encourages the goodness within you
to blossom and flourish.

We will look for the good in others.
We will work for a world that blesses everyone
with opportunities to contribute to the common good.

God’s vision for creation is revealed in the life
and teaching of Jesus Christ,

We will open ourselves to God’s gentle persuasion.
We will trust that we, too, have something to offer
to a world in need of hope, of justice and of peace.

We believe in the name of the
Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by dmmaus @ Flickr]

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