August 9, 2009

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 08.09.09

Thank you, God. You are so good to us.
Your love is steady and does not falter, unlike our own.

You are faithful and true, even when we are not.
Forgive us for when we step over the line in our relationship
with you and with others, hurting those we love or those we don’t.

Forgive us also when we don’t step over that other line,
when we fail to be thankful and to share gratitude.

How often we jeopardize our connection with you and with our loved ones
by not sharing a good word, or by not putting that gratitude into action.

Thank you, Lord, for who you are and what you do.
Help us to speak about and to act upon your perfect gifts,
your wonderful works – every day, in ordinary ways and places.

This we pray in the name of the One who was and is
your most perfect gift, your wonderful work – Jesus Christ. Amen.

What “signs” are looking for to trust and follow God?

What would it look like for you to consume Christ as the source of life this next week?

What holds you back from offering the spiritual “bread”/source to others?

What from the scripture today has given you hope?

Go in peace to be part of the new creation of human community.

Go in love to take the hands of those who long for peace and justice,
and let God, the Creator, speak through us in all formation.

Go, asking Jesus to bring all creation to his calling,
and lead our community to the places where he is needed.

Let the Holy Spirit be your constant companion throughout the week
to guide you and protect you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we pray.

Go and live the church. See you throughout the week.

[Photo by khrawlings @ Flickr]

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