God, we pray.
Empower us to be bold participants,
rather than timid followers in waiting;
to exercise authority of honesty,
rather than to defer to power or deceive to get it;
to influence someone for justice,
rather than impress anyone for gain;
and by grace, help us find the treasures
of joy, friendship, and peace
hidden in the fields you give us daily to plow
in our neighborhood, in our city, in our world.
We ask in the name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit, amen.
What has following Christ costed you?
How do you respond to failure?
How might your failures be growing you?
Ask God to make you open to encounter Jesus in your life.
We go, committed to care for one another
as you have cradled us in your love.
We leave, confident in your mercy
and courageous in our role within the city,
inspiring human souls,
that at the dawn of your grace,
our youthful lives
will be spent to love and serve you,
in the name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
Go in peace and live the church.
[Photo by (nz)dave @ Flickr]