December 3, 2017

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2017.12.03


Holy One, in this season of Advent, we wait
for you to break into our worlds, unexpectedly.
Help us to stay awake, to participate,
and look for signs of your hope.

We pray for your peace in this world when
you will settle things fairly between nations,
and make things right between all peoples.

We pray for the peace you bring within families.
We pray for the peace you bring within ourselves.

For your peace to come for those who are ill,
and those who have been devastated by disaster.

May you show us how to be advocates for your peace and hope.
Help us to know that what we do makes a difference.

Surprise us with the possibilities of how your
vision of peace and hope might take root,
that we may live into this vision of justice
and love for all of creation.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus, come.
We light the first candle of hope in this season of Advent.

Community Confession

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.
Our response will be highlighted in yellow.

The coming of our Lord is near,
And we wait in joyful expectation,
Draw close, Lord Jesus Christ,
Shed your light on all that is filled with darkness.

The coming of our Lord is near,
And we wait with hope filled hearts,
Draw close, God’s beloved son,
Teach us the wonder of your all-embracing love.

The coming of our Lord is near,
And we wait for God’s redeeming presence,
Draw close, Savior of all creation,
Our hearts ache for justice,
our minds long for holiness,
our spirits seek unity.

The coming of our Lord is near,
And we wait for the fulfillment of God’s promises,
Draw close, reconciler and transformer of all things,
Renew our world, restore your peace, display your righteousness.

The coming of our Lord is near, and we wait
attentive to the signs of his coming,
Draw close, Lord Jesus Christ,
God beyond imagining,
fully God yet truly human, draw close.

We ask of our God in community,
holy in One.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 12.03.17 – Advent: Keep Awake

How can we slow down in order to catch up to God?

What areas of our interior life need to be awakened?


Lord Jesus Christ,
who is, who was, and who is to come,

We pray for the virtue of hope, that
amidst the trials and difficulties of this
world, we may keep our hearts fixed
upon you, who reigns over the world.

Open our eyes to see this world
that we may know the places
where you are needed.

May your grace enliven us,
strengthen us,
and defend us,
as we learn to live graciously
as your people and your church.

We go in the name
of God, the Creator,
of Christ, our Emmanuel,
and the Holy Spirit, the Breath of Life.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Brad McMurray @ Flickr]

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