Stories tagged:

Inhale Our Freedom Exhale Our Fear

Virginia Cumberbatch reflects on God’s invitation for us to experience both individual and collective freedom in the midst of our fears [1 John 4:17-21]. Reflection After a year of quarantine, how will you seek freedom and rest for yourself this spring? As we witness the hate and injustice of the world, how will you support the liberation of others? How […]

New Covenant

Sarah Berson reflects on what a new Covenant means for us and how the love of God is available for all of us even in the midst of the challenging year we have been collectively navigating [Jeremiah 31:31-34]. Reflection What grounds you? What are you moving from? What are you moving toward? Practice Think about the mile markers from this […]

Poison and Its Remedy

James Alison reflects on how Jesus’ death undoes the world of sacrifice from within [John 3:14-21]. Reflection Is Jesus’ death really a sacrifice? How did Jesus’ death undo our whole world of judgment and condemnation built on sacrifice? The little word “so” in the most famous verse in the Bible has two possible meanings. “For God loved the world so […]

True Authority

Kelly Cutbirth reflects on how Jesus modeled another way of authority and how we’re invited to embody this truer way of authority as we lead and follow others [Mark 1:21-28]. Reflection What ideas about authority am I being invited to let go of?How can I use my authority to care for and restore freedom to others? Practice Authority grounded in […]

A New Way of Being

As we enter a new year, Weylin Lee reflects on what our invitation is toward a new way of being and experiencing transformation [Mark 1:4-11]. Reflection What area of your life is in need of truth-telling? How are you invited to consent to God’s unconditional love in this year? Practice Confession.  Acknowledge your choice of deception over truth.  Invite yourself […]

Mary and the Incarnation

As we continue in the Advent season, Matt Inman reflects on the Christmas story from the perspective of Mary and how we are invited to be grounded and not overlook the divine in our lives [Luke 1:26-38]. Reflection Where in your life does love tend to get overlooked in your life? What memory of Christmas sticks out to you as […]

Even in the Midst

Virginia Cumberbatch considers a reframing of what a radical and relentless grace is asking of us especially in the season we are living in [Ezekiel 34:11-16]. Reflection How can you extend grace to yourself in this season and in reflection of this year, as a part of your healing? As we navigate discord, challenge one another in love, and continue […]