June 18, 2017

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.18.2017


Hospitable God, you invite us to a banquet
where the last may be first, and the humble
and the mighty trade places.

Let us share your abundance with
no fear of scarcity; let us greet
strangers as angels you have sent.

Send your Spirit now so that we may
find a place at your table and welcome
others with radical hospitality.

In the name of Jesus,
guest at all our tables,
we pray.

Community Confession

Lord, we pray that we may have clarity of vision,
even when what we see is uncomfortable.

May our ears listen for cries of lament
and for voices that desire to be heard.

We pray that our hearts remain open to see
you in others you call from different places,

May we find refuge in the handiwork of how
you created us: to offer touch, hospitality, and
connection in places of shame and isolation.

We pray that our feet will stay eager
to bring the gospel of peace.

Help us, O God, to step forward in confidence,
and break down barriers to welcome all people
into your vision of shalom, of peace and healing.

We ask in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit,

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 06.18.17 – Being Good Guests

Where do you over-complicate your life and love by carrying around extra “equipment”?
What is one small, humble act that would exercise your compassion and put you in the position of being a good guest?


Go out into the world to serve God with love.
Be ready to laugh with delight at the good
news God has to offer you.

Make room at your table for unexpected guests.
When the work of discipleship leaves you weary
or frustrated, rest in Christ’s presence and listen
to what he is saying.

And the blessing of God, Creator,
Christ, and Holy Spirit,
go with you today and always.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by -klik- @ Flickr]

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