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Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 08.23.2015

Liturgy Let us pray, that by growing in love this season we may bring the peace of Christ to our city. God our Father, your Word, Jesus Christ, spoke peace to a sinful world and brought mankind the gift of reconciliation by the suffering and death he endured. Teach us, the people who bear his name, to follow the example […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 08.16.2015

Liturgy We are called to be people of faith in the midst of the world, and so we mix our worship and our work, our faith and our life. We gather here as people who live in the world and yet, we gather as people who have been called to see our world from a different viewpoint. God calls us […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 08.09.2015

Liturgy In these moments, in this family of faith, the God of gentleness gathers us together: that in community, our imperfections may be transformed into acts of peace for others. In this place, in our church shaped by his grace, Christ, the Bread of life, calls us to service: that our way of living may be transformed into compassion and […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 08.02.2015

Liturgy One body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all, take this patchwork collection of people and quilt together your church. Like old pieces of cloth, take these words, songs and prayers, take our thoughts and inner hungers, and join them […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.26.2015

Liturgy O God from whom every gift derives, we gather to worship you this day. You are a holy and awesome God, greater than our comprehension or our imagination. You are beyond any word we could ever use to describe you. And yet, through Jesus, we know the intimacy of your vast love. We have come to you in thanksgiving […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.19.2015

Liturgy O God, we trust in your power, even as it is often found in weakness; in your wisdom, even as it is expressed in seeming foolishness; in your wholeness, even as it comes to us amid brokenness. We do not ask this day for displays of strength, exercises of intellectual prowess, or manifestations of miracles. We come only to […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.12.2015

Liturgy We gather this day to hear and learn from God’s Living Word. For his Word is alive and active, sharper than any two-edged sword. It cuts through our spirits and souls, through our joints and marrow, until it discovers the desires and intentions of our hearts. Before God, we have no need to hide, though we may be naked […]