Stories tagged:

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 09.09.12

Liturgy Listen! God, our beloved Creator, whispers to us: echoes of grace sound in our hearts, hope resonates in our souls. Listen! Christ, our Beloved friend, calls to us: faithfulness is the life he shares, generosity is the path we can follow. Listen, the Holy Spirit, our beloved Peace, transforms us: the voice of our Beloved sound through all creation, […]

E’s Update: Capital, Future & Health

One of our own, E, serves in Central Asia. We support his work as a community developer, English teacher, cycling advocate, and Jesus follower as he lives and shares the gospel to his friends. Hello from the capital city. Hope you’re well. I’ve been here about a week and it’s been nice and busy—helping with Dari-English translation for our Safari […]

Garage Sale for Global Partners

Just a reminder to come out for some deals and steals at our garage sale this Saturday at Space12. All proceeds will go towards our partnerships in India and Afghanistan. For a sneak preview, there will be a nice foosball table, couches, formal black wooden chairs, televisions, electronics, and much, much more! Where: Space12 Date: Saturday, June 30 When: 8am-12noon […]

E’s Update: Nepal & Projects

One of our own, E, serves in Central Asia. We support his work as a community developer, English teacher, cycling advocate, and Jesus follower as he lives and shares the gospel to his friends. Hello from temperate springtime Central Asia! It’s been cool and breezy and even rained recently — probably for the last time before next winter. Wanted to […]

2011-12 Purpose Statement

2011-12 Purpose Statement [To see questions and feedback that were addressed to the Navigation Team in regards to this purpose statement, please click here. If you have any additional questions, please email us.] As Vox Veniae enters its 6th year of existence, the community has taken some time to both reflect on its past and prepare for its future. Our […]

2011-12 Proposed Purpose Statement

2011-12 Proposed Purpose Statement As Vox Veniae enters its 6th year of existence, the community has taken some time to both reflect on its past and prepare for its future. Our reflection has yielded a deep appreciation for the unique and, in many ways, unexpected place God has granted this very small community in the global Body of Christ. Our […]

Global Update: Gravansky

Amidst this summer of practicing rest, there are some in our community who have chosen to spend a part of their summer serving and caring for others around the country, and around the world.  As a reminder that our community does not exist on its own island, here is an update on what God is doing through E, Skylar and […]