Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection, & Benediction 2024.03.24

Liturgy God of Love, God of Justice,God of Subversion, God of the Oppressed, Hear us.Welcome us.Empower us. Open our eyes to injustice around us.Crowd our hearts with compassion.Energize our steps as those of a young colt.Sweeten our lips with triumphant praises. “Glory to God in the highest!”“Blessed are they who come in the name of the Lord!”“Peace in Heaven!” When […]

Anticipating Someone You Love

What’s in the box? On this Palm Sunday, Vanessa Maleare heightens anticipation about experiencing and participating in life with God. Through the acts of Palm Sunday we see Jesus as the sort of king who came to serve everybody else and who doesn’t like to see even his enemies get hurt. [John 12:12-16] Reflection When you picture Jesus back in […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.01.21

Liturgy God of radical love, shine a light to illuminatethe parts of us that hold hidden apathy and retribution.Fill our spirits with the same sacrificial lovethat overflows from yours, and heal us of our desireto pay back the harms committed against us.In place of malice, may we find empathy.In place of indifference, may we find a collectivecare that moves mountains.Though […]

The Gospel Is A Message Best Served Whole

How might we creatively embody good news toward our enemies? On this third Sunday after Epiphany, Christopher Mack glimpses Divine Love enveloping our pain, extending toward our enemies, and shifting our perspective through the story of Jonah. [Jonah 3:1-5, 10] Is there somewhere pain has you locked in a cycle that isn’t working?  Where might God’s Love invite you to […]

Who Do You Say I Am?

Gena Minnix reflects on how Jesus’ loving response to his enemies revealed that God is non-punishing and utterly trustworthy.  [Matthew 16:13-18]. Reflection How does reflecting on God as Jesus help restore my trust? As my trust in God increases, how will that change the way I respond to my enemies? Spiritual Practice Who is Jesus?  What word or phrase captures […]