Stories tagged:

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.22.2015

Liturgy Almighty and ever-present Father, your watchful care reaches from end to end and orders all things in such power, that even the tensions and the tragedies of sin can not frustrate your loving plans. Help us to embrace your will, give us the strength to follow your call, so that your truth may live in our hearts and reflect […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.15.2015

Liturgy It is our greatest joy to offer you praise, God of all hope and power: you whispered your goodness, and the stars shimmered in adoration; you spoke your tenderness, and all creatures sang your name; you sang your love, and we were created in your image. But placed in the Garden of heavenly delights, we hungered for the unfruitful […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.08.2015

Liturgy Who is this who enters the doors of our temple, who overturns the tables, strews silver and gold on the floor, frees the sacrificial doves from gilded cages? Listen, as they rise, the beating of their wings is a song of loud hosanna. It is Jesus of Galilee, the Son of God, who comes to cleanse the great temple, […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.01.2015

Liturgy We gather today, O Lord of Life, seeking fullness. Not the fullness our world offers, but fullness that comes from you. We spend so much of our lives on things that do not count. Things that promise much and give little. Help us now…today, to find fulfillment in your love, may we discover all you have to give, And […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 02.22.2015

Liturgy In this season of Lent, teach me your ways, Lord, that I may come down from my heights and be open to the same Spirit who moved over the face of the waters in the first day of creation and moves also over the chaos of this time to fashion a day like this, a world like ours, a […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 02.15.2015

Liturgy O Holy One, on mountaintops and valley floors you reveal to us the light of your love. Our hearts desire to bask in the amazing glory of your divine presence. Encounter us that we may be changed and transformed. Draw us nearer that we might receive and keep your Holy Spirit. Help us, O Holy One, to live our […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 02.08.2015

Liturgy Gather us in, the brokenhearted and the joyful. Gather us in, the weak and the strong. Gather us in, the fearful and the brave. Gather us in, the young and the old. Gather us in, to sing of God’s works. Gather us in, to praise Jesus Christ. Gather us in, to worship and wonder. Gather us in, to know […]