September 18, 2016

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 09.18.2016


The image you have shaped
within us, mysteriously, incredibly,
a reflection of your own Being,

Is best seen in the multiple refractions,
of our variegated humanity;
in the prismatic kaleidoscopes,
of our shared life,
our interconnectedness,
our being with each other.

We seek you, God, we long for you and,
thankfully, you are not far off nor hidden;

We need only remember that you are most
easily found when we find you together,
and when we are humble enough to look
even in the faces we find unfamiliar.

We thank you and worship
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

Holy One, we long to be faithful
stewards of your abundant grace.

To serve each other in love and humility.
To serve your world with wisdom and energy.

Forgive us when we stumble over pride, when
our words and actions are not guided by love.

Turn our hearts when we act in folly.
Restore our energy when it is gone.

Sometimes, many times, O God, our efforts fail.
But your abundant grace is strong and eternal,
And forgiveness is ours through Jesus Christ.

We ask and pray in the name
of you, the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 9.18.16 – Posture

Where am I being invited to a deeper acceptance of my messy and loved humanity?
How can I trust Jesus to teach me how to carry my life and calling with simple faithfulness this week?


Be like-minded, having the same
love which we have seen the
greatest example of.

Be one of one mind and in one spirit,
the Spirit that is our guide and our advocate.

The Spirit that speaks on our behalf translates
our unspoken cries, and reminds us that we are
loved already, that we are loved entirely as we are.

And may the humility of God break in and
teach us to serve and love everyone with the
same grace and humility God shows to us.

Let us go this week
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by juergen sarge @ Flickr]

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