April 22, 2012

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.22.12


We thank you, God,
for drawing us to this place and time
and for interrupting us with your gift of life in Christ.

Whether we have heard the news many times over,
or are this day, listening with brand new ears,
surprise us with your justice and righteousness,
that our lives might turn in the right direction.

Startle us with your goodness and mercy,
that we might receive your empowering forgiveness;

stagger us with your hope and peace,
that our eyes will remain wide open as we leave this place,
searching for what you will be doing this week
in our world and through us.

This we pray in the name of the Father,
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Congregational Prayer

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

God our Father,
in your love, you welcome us as your children,
with your mercy you hear our prayers.
Hear us, your children,
as we come before you in worship.

Jesus, our risen Savior,
in our weakness, you call us,
in our confusion, you teach us,
in our troubles, you offer us peace.

Speak to us, your children,
as we come to hear your word.

Spirit, Living One,
in the beginning, you breathed life,
in chaos and darkness, you brought hope,
in many tongues, you spread good news.

Transform us, your people,
as we open our minds and hearts to you.

God, Loving Father, Son and Spirit,
we know we come with doubts, fears and in ignorance.
We know we have failed you in many ways.

Trusting in your love, we turn again to you.
As we open our hearts to your mercy and forgiveness,
grant us your peace.

Accept our prayers,
accept our worship,
accept us as we are,
and change us through your love,

We pray to you, our God in community, holy in One.


How are we living and experiencing faith beyond just the cognitive and into the the heart?
How have you experienced the lavish love of God our Father?


Your light is the only light we need
as we travel through life’s mystery.

Your word, the only voice we hear,
that still, small voice that leads us
to the place where we should be.

Your presence is the only company we need
as we walk this narrow road.
Your fellowship the warmth we crave
to help us on our way.

May the truth of Easter,
The joy of Easter
And the blessings of Easter
be with us this day and all days.

All this we ask in the name of the Father,
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by chooseanalog @ Flickr]

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