March 26, 2017

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.26.2017


Between the setting of the sun and the coming of
the dawn, your love sustains us, Everlasting God.
Your story give us hope for the morning.

Remind us when the shadows grow long and
dark, that greater is the Holy Spirit who is in
us, than he who is in the world.

Remind us when sadness and pain come,
that light and life will be ours in abundance.
Remind us that darkness is nothing in itself,
but only a relative absence, a temporary trial.

Give us courage in times of trouble to
abandon the falsehoods we lean on.
Give us power to believe the promises
you’ve made to those who love you.
Give us faith enough to persevere,
and give us the wisdom to understand
your teaching anew.

Bless those among us who are hurting, Lord.
Bless those we have hurt. Bless those who
hate us, Lord, bless and bring them joy and
relief. Bless your undeserving fold, Father.

May the power of your right hand steady us,
May it guide our way along the craggy cliffs,
May it keep us on the path that leads to the
rest of our Redeemer.

Lighten our darkest places, we beseech thee,
O Lord; and by your great mercy defend us
from all perils and dangers of this night;

In the name of the Father,
the Son,
and the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

Your light shines in the darkness, O God,
and we confess that sometimes we prefer
to hide under the cover of darkness,

where we are free to participate in injustice,
to hurt others and ourselves, to do whatever
it takes to get ahead, to operate only in our
comfort zone without challenge.

When we lose ourselves in the shadows,
forgive us, oh God, and lead us with your light.

We forget that your light of true freedom will
shine, calling us to a more excellent way.

We forget that the promise of a child is a
promise for the future — that there is more
beyond us, beyond our desires, beyond our
brokenness, beyond our understanding.

Forgive our short-sightedness. Forgive our
hardened hearts. Forgive our complicity in
systems that hurt and abuse your earth,
your people, your church, your world.
Shine your light again this day, that
we may see and follow your path.

We pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 03.26.17 – Lent: Darkness

How much of our lives are in the shadows, but there is goodness and truth waiting to be illuminated? What in particular is scary to dig up?
How can we reach for light?


Go now, sent by the one
who was sent by God.

Walk in the light; testify to the
life and resurrection of Christ;
forgive the sins of all, and live
at peace with one another.

And may God bless you with life forever;
May Christ Jesus breathe his Spirit and
peace into you; and may the Holy Spirit
lead you into the life and light of God.

Depart from here,
serving in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by JULP @ Flickr]

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