February 8, 2009

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 02.08.09

We gather this morning to
acknowledge you, oh God.

You who formed the mountains,
and you who made the stars and the heavens.

We honor you, our Maker, who turns darkness
into morning, and we worship the Spirit who gives
breath to all that lives.

Give us courage to live vibrantly in our community
and honor you with our days and our weeks.

May your Creating Spirit be among us, oh God,
as we gather and discover your will for us in our neighborhood.

We ask in your Son’s holy name, amen.

What do spiritual conversations look like with your friends?

How do we find God in the stories of our lives?

What metanarrative defines your story?

How can we be a part of bringing peace and reconnecting people to God?

God, who journeyed with all the disciples,
may we also be:

transformed by encountering Christ;
committed to love and be loved;
passionate about your mercy to all;
tenacious in trials and adversity;
sowers of seeds that bring a harvest of joy.

God, who journeys with us
to wherever our paths may lead:

keep us safe in your care;
nourish us on our way;
take from us all that holds us back
from loving our neighbors;
bring us with all your saints to the
joy of your kingdom here on Earth.

Go in peace and live the church.

[Photo by chishikilauren @ Flickr]

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