January 23, 2011

ECC Adoption Process

For the last couple of years, we’ve been having a conversation about being part of something larger than just ourselves. As a young church plant, we realize the importance of support and accountability for the staff. And we realize that we’re just a tiny, tiny piece in the larger church of Christ. So after a lot of research and your feedback, as a community, we made a decision to move towards joining the ECC denomination (which is the Evangelical Covenant Church). They share the same vision and many of the same passions that we’re already trying to live out as a church. And their emphasis on church planting and being missional is already a big part of Vox’s DNA.

Currently we’re going through the adoption process and we’re now at the final step where we need to submit our constitution and by-laws. We need our community’s feedback before we submit them to ECC.

*** Please download the Vox Constitution and By-Laws Draft and submit any questions or feedback via email. ***

Here’s a timeline of the next steps.

  • Jan 23 (Sun): Liturgy announcement
  • Jan 26 (Wed): Walk through Constitution and By-Laws at joint neighborhoods
  • Jan 30 (Sun): Deadline for community feedback
  • Feb 6 (Sun): Community affirmation vote (Absentee Voting available)

[Photo by coquinete @ Flickr]

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