August 15, 2011

UPDATE: Vox Proposed Interim Budget

Last Sunday, August 7th, we held a budget meeting to talk through Vox’s proposed budget for 2011-2012.  Based on feedback from the budget meeting, we are proposing an interim budget for September through December 2011.  The Vox fiscal year has always followed the academic calendar because we started out as a college ministry.  However, based on ECC’s recommendation, we are strongly considering moving to a January – December fiscal year and we feel like this would be a natural transition that would go hand-in-hand with the proposed interim budget.

Please check out the proposed interim budget and feel free to send your questions and feedback to [email protected]. Then on August 21st, we will have our affirmation vote to decide on whether the proposed budget will become the budget we work with from September through December. Whether or not you have any questions or feedback, we would love for your continued prayer for wisdom and patience during this time.

This post needs your thoughts.

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