September 11, 2016

Values: Artistry

Gideon Tsang starts our series on our Vox Values by focusing on Artistry and what it looks like to be a community that participates in being creators [Genesis 2].

Value of Artistry
We are a community of makers. We live into God’s resemblance of artistry that was envisioned in the garden. The ultimate act of creativity is God’s redemption of the world back to its original vision. We’re invited by the Gardener to garden again. The narrative that some people are creative and some are not is false. We are all artists, makers and creators made in the image of God. (Gen 1)

What can you beautify with love this week?
How can you participate in an act of creation that scares you this next month?

Vox Values
Video: Where Great Ideas Come From (David Lynch)
Film: Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Podcast: Revisionist History – Hallelujah
Film: Don’t Think Twice
Book: Rising Strong (Brene Brown)
Video: Attending to Place
MWG: Discussion Guide

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